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Our offers 

Balancing manager

What's a balancing manager?

 As a Balancing Manager, Augmented Energy has entered into a contractual agreement with RTE, playing an essential role in the smooth functioning of the electricity market. The balancing manager's mission is to ensure the balance between injections (production and purchases on the markets) and withdrawals (consumption and sales on the markets) within their balancing perimeter. As a participant in the electricity market, it is crucial to either become a balancing manager or appoint one. To meet the specificity of your profile and your expectations, Augmented Energy offers you a solution with two distinct options, each tailored to your needs.

For who?





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& All companies that want to become an actor in the electricity market.

Nos solutions


Augmented takes care of everything.

Are you looking for a balancing manager? Are you a supplier, producer, or do you operate a storage capacity? Do you want a third party to handle your balancing, from forecasting to market optimization?

Augmented Energy offers to take on this task with a solution that is simple and quick to implement.


You give us your forecast D-1

Do you already have a skilled team to handle your consumption or production forecasts, and want to connect to a balancing manager and access the market easily?

Augmented offers to aggregate you into its balancing perimeter while allowing you the freedom to make your own forecasts. You simply send us your day-ahead (D-1) forecasts via a server, and they will be optimized at the spot price (DA auction).


Augmented Energy offers you for these two options:

  • Access to the spot market (day-ahead),

  • We provide you with the Enedis RE data flows (S505, S507, etc.).

  • We send PEBs to your OTC counterparties.

Choose Augmented Energy and benefit from turnkey management of your portfolio balancing, freeing up your resources to focus on your core business. Trust our expertise to optimize your operations in the electricity market."

The capacity market 

In the capacity market, a producer commits to making its capacity (MW) available during winter peak periods.

The objective of the capacity market is to ensure the security of electricity supply in France during winter peak periods. The producer must be affiliated with the scope of a Certification Perimeter Manager (CPM), either by becoming a CPM themselves or by appointing a company. Company can also take on the role of Certification Perimeter Manager (CPM).

Nos articles sur le sujet

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